Sunday 27 September 2015

Titanium nail

So I was asked if I could make something called a Titanium nail.  
I had no idea what a titanium nail is, so after searching I found out, it's a device for smoking tobacco and Marijuana
You use a blowtorch on the resin that sits in the titanium bowl and the smoke is sucked through the holes, through the bong and breathed in.  

So I visited the local head shop and the very nice chap who is from Amsterdam and a really nice chap sold me one.

They're beautifully machined.  

I don't really have a problem producing them because I believe people should be free to do what they want  as long as it doesn't hurt other people.  
I don't smoke personally but if other people take enjoyment from it, then hey ho!

RAD smoking titanium nail

From watching several youtube videos of smokers using these devices they're made from titanium because it retains heat.  So the design I did is a 4 in 1 design able to be used on various bongs.  There is also a lot more metal left on the part so it retains heat for longer than the part above.
My design of 4 in 1 titanium nail

I've sent the designs to the factory for a price and if it's reasonable I'll have a run of them made.  

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