Hope you've had a great summer. New stuff that has been developed and some of which is now on sale are as follows.
Here's a Honda fitting titanium pin that fits many calipers. Part:45131-HA5-672
The standard OEM part may corrode if the rubber sleeve perishes allowing water to get in, so this not only reduces unsprung weigh but will keep you caliper maintenance free for longer.
There are 10 Titanium front wheel spindles being titanium nitrided right now for the NSR250 MC28 and the first one will go on my bike of course, with a weight reduction of about 120gm I believe.
Here is also a picture of some castellated Titanium caliper pistons that will be on sale soon too.
The castellation is to allow air to get into the cavity of the piston as well as reduce the contact area with the pad which gets extremely hot.
As Titanium is a poor conduction of heat these pistons will keep the brake fluid cool under race conditions.

Here is also a picture of some castellated Titanium caliper pistons that will be on sale soon too.
The castellation is to allow air to get into the cavity of the piston as well as reduce the contact area with the pad which gets extremely hot.
As Titanium is a poor conduction of heat these pistons will keep the brake fluid cool under race conditions.

These studs are M10 to M8 thread and fit models before 1988 when Kawasaki went over to M8 to M8 bolts
That's it for now. Check out the titanclassics.com website and let me know if there are any parts you think would be good to have in titanium